Blog award.

Rules in receiving this award are:
1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" & put it at ur blog.
2. Link & tell who gave u the award
3. State 10 facts or hobbies of urs
4. Choose 6 bloggers to also receive the next award
5. Dont forget to inform the chosen bloggers!
10 facts and hobbies:
1. saya suka menghadap laptop ber-jam-jam lamanya, walaupun asek komplen sakit mate dan sakit belakang, power spec tinggi dan macam2 lagi. saya suke edit gmba :)
2. saya suke menulis diari dan blog. saya simpan ade 3 atau 4 buku yg penuh dgn diari saya dari tahun 2005. Di samping menulis blog di sini, dan juga di blog friendster. *uh, byknye*
3. saya sedang berusaha menahan diri dr makan nasi dan ayam.yes, i'm on diet!
4. kalau di hostel, saya manusia paling rajin mengemas, basuh baju dan menyapu sambil mulut bergerak dgn laju. tapi, jika di rumah di johor. saya manusia paling malas dan hanya duduk di kerusi dan on9 dengan bahagia.
5. (terpakse tukar kepada other fact..sbb menjadi kontroversi dan bahan bualan di dalam skype. hampagas punye yasmin.)
5. (latest) saya tak suke condition yg empty and dull.especially the place where i need rest. i love decorate my wall with pixies. poster.notes.hutang-hutang. kalender. bru ade feel nk study and tido smpai 11 jam. astaga.
6. kemas.kemas. tempat yang kemas dan bersih mmg saya perlukan utk buat kerja atau tidur. saya tidak suka bersepah-sepah. *sila amil perhatian kepada yanti dan alin :P*
7. i am very planning in everything that i do. tidak kira la, kalau nk pegi dating, holiday or wutever. semua perlu di-plan. but, if tak jadi. i'm the one who very very frustrated. *regret sendiri.ouch*
8.yes, i am emo person. i heritage it from my mother. for sure la, we both are LIBRA. emo and sensitive! but, lately im trying hard to be not emo. but, kept it everything all in myself.
9. ive two big sister also named mai which menjadi konflik bila ade org call rumah " makcik, mai ade?" " mai mane satu?".... it is maisarah and maisurya. the first is soo caring and terer cooking. the second is so-so-so baik and nice and rajin. the third is so-so emo and pemalas masak but rajin sidai kain. (variation is good in life, ok?)
10. i'm relationship with a boy almost 2 years. hopefully it will remains for eternity.
Award goes to
mye :)
kalo nk tukar layout, kau memang kena korban masa sket la..but b4 that mesti buat backup dlu just in case kalo xjadi..
n make sure kau save sume blog address, sbb wlaupn kau dah buat backp-up, kdg2 blogger bengong ni leh ilang gak kte nye link segala..
aku saje2 je konon nk tgk la cm ne rupe kalau pkai layout laen, sekali sume ilang.. tu yg teros tukar.. sedih2..
key word nya adalah back-up..hehe
mak aih... tue pon nak award.. ko x raser diri ko poyo x?
hadi: ape aku kesah poyo tak poyo!!
alida: wutthegdcehttuymkiehas.
waaa..suke edit gambar eh??hobi tu mmg berpaedah...ehehehe
dimanakah perlu blajao cara nak membuat award ni??
anda ditagged!!
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